Friday 22 March 2013

Questions I've been asked so far.

1. What kind of books do you want?
     I am looking to get any kind of books, even elementary school kind of books. Novels will also be great, even if they are in another language such as French. I took French in High school and am still taking some French courses so a few books can help other kids taking it as well. Course packs and bound articles can also be useful. Basically, if you have some books and are willing to donate them, I will be glad to receive them.

2. When do you need the books?
     Any time you have a chance, let me know and we can make arrangements. Remember to join the facebook page I created for this Blog so we can get in touch. Also join our Google+ page. I plan on doing this for as long as possible.

3. How do I get the books to you?
     If you are in Winnipeg, we can arrange to meet up, I can come to your place, or meet at the U of M or any other convenient location. Just inbox me on facebook or through Google+.

Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. You can do that in the comment box below, on the facebook page and also on Google+.

Thank you very much for those who have liked our facebook page and to those who have spread word and also to those who have +1ed on Google +


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