Wednesday 12 June 2013

Hope 4 Africa

read this story. Please support 'Books for my schools' and help make a difference in someone's education.

Peace guys!

Friday 22 March 2013

Questions I've been asked so far.

1. What kind of books do you want?
     I am looking to get any kind of books, even elementary school kind of books. Novels will also be great, even if they are in another language such as French. I took French in High school and am still taking some French courses so a few books can help other kids taking it as well. Course packs and bound articles can also be useful. Basically, if you have some books and are willing to donate them, I will be glad to receive them.

2. When do you need the books?
     Any time you have a chance, let me know and we can make arrangements. Remember to join the facebook page I created for this Blog so we can get in touch. Also join our Google+ page. I plan on doing this for as long as possible.

3. How do I get the books to you?
     If you are in Winnipeg, we can arrange to meet up, I can come to your place, or meet at the U of M or any other convenient location. Just inbox me on facebook or through Google+.

Please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. You can do that in the comment box below, on the facebook page and also on Google+.

Thank you very much for those who have liked our facebook page and to those who have spread word and also to those who have +1ed on Google +


Monday 18 March 2013

Share the books, the knowledge

Hello there guys,

I was cleaning up my house the other day and I couldn't help but notice the huge pile of books that I can't use or even sell. Well, I could sell them but they are worth more donated than sold. So I thought I would just keep collecting them until I have a mini library, or a whole library (hopefully) and afterwards send the books to schools I know are in Kenya, schools that I know are in need of books.

Before I came to Canada, I was a teacher in Kenya. I taught in two high schools, one of which was in dire need of books, stationery and even teachers. Most students would not afford to go a whole school year without having to forfeit a whole term all because their parents could not afford the already highly subsidized school fees. So affording the necessary books, let alone books for leisurely reading, was seen as a luxury.

It has been 3 years since I left Kenya and I can only imagine what the situation is with the weakening Shilling and the politics going on.

With your help, I would like to collect donated books and send them to these schools. The students will gain immensely from such material. They will also feel some motivation and a sense that Education really is an important thing. Another little but important thing they will benefit from is the broadening of perspective. I noticed first hand that the way books are written here is far more engaging and mind-opening compared to those used back home.

If you have any books you aren't using or are willing to donate please let me know.

Take a look and like our facebook page here. Also, spread the word to your friends.

Add me in Google+ and I will give you my address.

I am willing to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.